Land Sale Update

Greetings during this in-between season – between winter and spring, between things going to ground and new life rising up. In the Christian tradition, we’re in the time of Lent, when we open ourselves to noticing what keeps us apart from life lived fully as the Divine intends, not just personally, but also as a society. It’s a time of lament, when Christians remember the cost Jesus paid in seeking a just world, and it’s a time of dawning hope, acknowledging that ultimately death cannot overcome life and despair cannot overcome hope.

It seems fitting that we write to you in this season to let you know that the Naramata Centre Society, with the agreement of the Pacific Mountain Region of the United Church of Canada, have agreed to the conditional sale of land where Robson House (also known as Children's House) sits. This property borders Third Street, Gwendoline Avenue and First Street. 

We know this could give rise to lament. Many of us have precious memories of times spent on that land. Yet, we also hold profound hope that the old is giving way to the new, and that funds from the sale will seed new life, new ways of being and learning, and new ways for our community to connect at Naramata Centre. Not just for the sake of ourselves and the centre, but for the sake of the world, because time spent at the centre renews and restores us in our efforts to love and protect all creation. 

We encourage you to visit the Land Development page on our website to learn more about the sale.  

We also expect that there will be a time of offering our thanks for the property being sold and to share memories of time there, and to speak of dreams for what is being birthed with the property’s relinquishment. 

With gratitude,

The Naramata Centre Society Board of Directors


Accepting Nominations for Honorary Society Members


A Gentle Man of Quiet Grace